
  • Voluntary and open membership
  • Democratic member control
  • Member economic participation
  • Autonomy and independence
  • Education, Training and Information
  • Co-operation among Co-operatives
  • Concern for community


We accord our members same chance when opportunity arises regardless of their membership size, geographical location or nature of business. CAK is also fair and just in distributing resources to its members based on member’s contribution or investment. Our members have equal voice, ‘one member, one vote’. We stand in unison with our members in both favorable and unfavorable circumstances, for both social and economic objectives.
We accord our members same chance when opportunity arises regardless of their membership size, geographical location or nature of business. CAK is also fair and just in distributing resources to its members based on member’s contribution or investment.
We are accountable for our actions and decisions to our members. We strive to support ourselves without depending on others.
CAK always endeavor to uphold honesty and strong moral principles in the execution of its mandate. We promote compliance with laws, rules and regulations, fair competition and environmental conservation. We don’t condone corruption, discrimination, harassment or indignity at any time.
CAK does not have any political affiliations and shall remain non-partisan in promoting the social and economic wellbeing of all its members irrespective of their political affiliations.