Cooperative Leaders Meeting To Validate The National Cooperative Bill 2021 To Be Held On 13th To 17th December 2021, At Maasai Mara National Park, Keekorok Lodge.
Receive warm greetings from Cooperative Alliance of Kenya. As you could be aware, the Cabinet Secretary for Agriculture via Gazette Notice No.10699 of 18th December, 2020 appointed a Taskforce to initiate and develop framework for the implementation of the Nation Co-operative Policy. The taskforce has completed its task and will present a zero draft report and findings alongside the public participation views which it wishes to set before the Co-operative leaders for review and validate at the Maasai Mara on 13th to 17th December, 2021. The occasion will be graced by the Cabinet Secretary for Agriculture Livestock, Fisheries and Cooperatives Hon. Peter Munya,MGH. This is a follow-up of the very successful Amboseli Co-operative Leaders Retreat that resolved among other things to reconvene within 90 days to receive operationalization framework of the National Co-operative Policy. During the stay we shall have an in-depth discussion on the Co-operative Societies Bill and other legislation reforms that have impact on the Co-operative business into the future. The expected outcome from this 3rd Co-operative Leaders meeting is to validate the much awaited Zero draft report before submission to the Cabinet Secretary to table to the cabinet. This is indeed a critical meeting that will change the history of Kenyan Co-operative movement and that is why we are inviting you to be part of it. The invited participants will constitute public participation hence give final inputs to the taskforce. The forum targets the following key critical policy makers. 1. Elected Co-operative Societies leaders. 2. Chief Executive Officers 3. County Executive Committee members (CEC) 4. County Chief Officers of Co-operatives 5. County Directors of Co-operatives Maasai Mara is one of Africas Greatest Wildlife Reserves and is endowed with the most diverse, incredible and most spectacular eco-systems conducive in deliberating on such important subject and its for this reason we have chosen this venue for the Leaders Retreat. NB/ Due to limited space available and logistic requirements, you are requested to do earlier confirmations by sending us the names of the participants and their contacts by 3rd December, 2021 which will be highly appreciated as we look forward to your participation and continued support. Therefore you are reminded to carry your National ID card. The cost will cater for; - Transport in an open roof tour cruiser for 5 days - 4 nights accommodation. - Meals on full board for 5 days with a soft drink per meal - Comprehensive game drive for 5 days - Conferencing materials - Pick up and drop off in Nairobi. - Park entry fees for 4 nights. Cooperative Alliance of Kenya will provide transport from Nairobi on 13th December, 2021 at 7.00am and back on Friday 17th December, 2021. Those who wish to use their private transport should let us know in advance (any extra charges incurred on private transport during the stay should be incurred by the participant). All payments to be made to Co-operative Alliance of Kenya Ltd Account No.01120161356900 Coop Bank, Karen branch, strictly on or before 3rd December, 2021 and Confirmation is by payment. Hotel room allocation will be on first come first serve basis.